Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Stolen Banners UPDATE

We are really sad to say that out of 10 advertising banners we put up on Saturday afternoon, there are now only 3 left. The rest were stolen by mindless people over a period of 3 nights (3 on Saturday, 3 on Sunday, and 1 last night). This is the equivalent of stealing £500 from our purses.

We are a small independent business and, like many others, are trying to find ways to save money while still advertising our amazing shop. We want to let everyone know about our shop, which promotes independent retail in Leeds. It's a collective of over 60 designers, and offers a static space for many people to sell their wares. Our tenants put so much hard work in to their products and we are really trying to move Bird's Yard forward.

Here are the 10 beautiful banners we put up on Saturday night: 

These banners were put up to highlight the amazing independents we have in our store and were placed in this spot on Kirkgate to encourage people walking to and from Leeds City Bus Station to venture down to Bird's Yard and discover what we have to offer. As of today (Tuesday), this is what it looks like:

We are so disappointed that this has happened to us, especially at a time when we were moving forward and helping to keep Leeds' independent retail scene alive.

However, we will now try to make a positive out of a negative and will be using this to increase awareness of the shop and of the independent retailers in Leeds. Please help us name and shame these people who have stolen these banners and ruined a fantastic opportunity to promote everyone in Bird's Yard. We have already contacted the police about this matter and they are doing everything in their power to help us. 

What you can do is to tell as many people as possible about this crime and make it known that we will not let this get us down. Please help us by using the power of the internet - Facebook, Twitter, Blogging - to make this into a positive for us. Please also feel free to comment on this post and cause a bit of a stir. Independents need people to pull together and support each other, thank you to everyone who has supported us so far.

We hope you can help.

Bird's Yard x


  1. great blogpost - summed up my feelings brilliantly! - Chloe (owner of the poster on the far right!)

  2. We've all got pissed and nicked stuff, you should have seen it coming

  3. Thank you for your comment Anonymous, however, this will not help us. While we are aware that this does happen, we hoped that this would not be the case for us. The sad thing is that the people who stole the banners probably did not realise the impact this has on us as a business. Many people are trying to promote their businesses on as little money as possible and need as much support as they can get.
    Now that these posters have gone, many people will not find out about us and this will have a huge impact on our business. Sadly, if we do not make it pre-Christmas, we will struggle to make it for another year. This is really sad considering the amount of work that everyone has put in and considering that we have been recognised for our work, winning awards in the first year of opening.
    Please support us and refrain from posting negative messages on here.
    Bird's Yard x

  4. Well then maybe with promotion like this, those who did it might come forward and all will not be lost. Why should we accept that things like this just happen? Shall we refuse to do anything in case people decide to be idiots? What world shall we be living in then?

  5. (that was in reply to the other Anonymous poster.)

  6. In that case Anonymous, I'll get myself a bottle of vodka and be round for your iPhone....

  7. This is so incredibly sad, people have the talent and courage to do something that they love to do, pour their heart and soul into it, then try to celebrate and advertise what they have achieved, only to have it stolen, people disgust me.

  8. Wasn't the original crime flyposting?

  9. Wow, mr/s Anonymous is on form tonight!
    Sad thing about this is that the banners are probably crumpled up at the end of someones bed, or in a corner somewhere, and will go out in this weeks' rubbish.
    Chin up, Birds Yard! Maybe the thieves will have a pang of conscience and return them?

  10. Just to make it clear, we had full authorisation to put the banners up on this boarding.

    Many thanks to everyone for their support so far.

    Bird's Yard x

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Really hope that something positive comes out of this - there's some right scumbags about!
    Just think though, if there's an article in the YEP about it (I'm guessing that's who you've approached) then just think how many people will read about Birds Yard and might be curious enough to have a wander down...

  13. people take posters all the time. they are in a public place with no protection, how did you not see this happening? the people that took them probably won't have even realised they were stealing.

  14. lets hope so.. there is also another independent shop just opened down the same street, and to be honest its rather a cool little area with Rebel Pin up, paper dress vintage, the infamous duck and drake, Ego hairdresser, the loft etc... We love it and there should be lots more exposure about what is down there and not what isnt (lots of negativity about the street and the state of the buildings etc) .. I love our building, so lets hope some good has come out of this which will showcase another side of Leeds..
    Michelle - Birds Yard

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. it isn't acceptable no, but it will always happen while it is incredibly easy to do so.

  17. michelle - birds yard15 November 2011 at 22:18

    ..... lets hope so was of course in response to the potential new footfall on Kirkgate, and not to mr/mrs annon. Are you not getting the message.. ok you think its ok to get pissed and nick stuff but the majority of people do not. Why do you persist in banging on about how thick you believe we are to have erected promo for our shop without thinking sod it lets not as its all gonna get nicked by people that dont realise thet are even stealing.. ERM HELLO it was a 6ft and very much not FREE vinyl banner, nailed down so hard they had to be ripped clean off.. it was not a poster, and not that I think its ok to take that either.. We scraped together a few hundred to get those banners done.. not £15.. please go spread your really negative opinions somewhere else.. we have taken your comments on board and you are quite clearly taking pleasure in upsetting people

  18. then might i suggest you put them in safer places next time, maybe near your shops? i'd also like to point out im a different person to the first anon and im not trying to upset anyone, just pointing out how easy it would have been for them to be taken and that this kind of thing happens all the time because advertisements are put up everywhere. i shall cease commenting as you are understandbly upset at them being taken,as i would be.and just think, the people that took them obviously wouldnt have thought 'oh i bet this cost a small business loads of money..so id better not take it'.

  19. Brave anonymous people. You are either trying to get a rise out of people or are a bit of a plum.
    These are independent businesses trying to do something different in this world of generic high streets, in difficult economic times. Yes people get drunk and steal things, doesnt mean it should be accepted. I hope you take that same stoic attitude when someone gets drunk and vandalises your car or assaults you, I hope you ll understand the pleasure I get when I say you should have seen it coming. lets hope you never bump into me when Ive had a few

    yes, a few might get stolen as its a busy city centre but 7? Someone knows who has these, if they could just return them, they would be half way there to redeeming themselves.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Put them in 'safer' places, are you KIDDING? And closer to the shops? The point is to advertise, thats a really really really REALLY silly suggestion.

    I'm glad you're causing such a fuss about it, I hope it gets found out for you, I know how much this stuff costs! :( Though, the posters are GORGEOUS, I'd want them to ;) xx

  22. People have things stolen every day. You pointed out that your shop has been open a year and due to the loss of these posters your dont think you will last another year? Surely that means that you shouldnt be in business because after a year, and winning the awards you mentioned you should surely be making a profit and be in a good place

    The loss of a few posters isnt going to be the death of the company. Also,if you have won so many awards then why arent lots of people in your shop all the time? Surely this would set off an alarm in your head and show that when people visit your shop they dont like it so they arent returning or bringing friends? Which is why your struggling?

    Making a big song and dance about the loss of some posters is not productive. Maybe spend the time cleaning the shop and looking at ways of been positive and bringing people in instead of going for the sympathy vote
    Just a suggestion

  23. Jesus, it was only a couple of posters. Stuff like this happens all the time in city centres up and down the UK on weekends. Why did you think you were so special? Some students probably have them in their kitchen or something. I know it shouldn't happen, but it does. It's not right at all but it is the world we live in and it sucks but it happens! I would be redirecting my efforts elsewhere if the shop is really not likely to see another year.

  24. "You pointed out that your shop has been open a year and due to the loss of these posters your dont think you will last another year? Surely that means that you shouldnt be in business because after a year, and winning the awards you mentioned you should surely be making a profit and be in a good place

    The loss of a few posters isnt going to be the death of the company. Also,if you have won so many awards then why arent lots of people in your shop all the time? Surely this would set off an alarm in your head and show that when people visit your shop they dont like it so they arent returning or bringing friends? Which is why your struggling?"

    Any official response to this? It's quite an interesting point...

  25. It takes an average of 3 years for a business to break/make a profit even as generally all money goes back into the business for things such as advertising during this time - this is an independent shop trying to help designers have a city centre platform to sell from which normally they wouldn't have access to due to costs involved.
    This is an independent shop trying to take on the high street every designer in there is working very hard to make a go of it and fulfil their dreams.
    The banners were to get people down and into the shop - which is slightly off the beaten track and promote the amazing things in the shop - at a time when well established businesses are disappearing (Woolworths - trading over 100 years) I do not think it is dramatic to say with out support the business may not last another year - it is not simply the banners it is the fact people would see about the shop and take a walk down without the business having to spend thousands on advertising which independent just don't have.
    People have a belief that if you set up business you earn money straight away - if this was the case why are more people not doing it. It takes determination and bloody hard work to set up and run a business you have to sacrifice a lot to do it.
    and yes I am one of the designers who had a banner stolen I think people should support indie designers and not just go for mass marketed products and be a little more individual

  26. Please do not let this person(s)upset you all. They are the type of person that we are making this complaint about! They think it's on to steal things and have no idea about business whatsoever or they would not write such pathetic nonsense! I think it us they that need to spend there time a little more constructively don't you! Funny they were the first to comment so somebody keeping a close eye on us! A competitor? Whoever it is, its somebody whom is birds yard friend, to be able to react to the blog so fast! You are no friend of mine so I suggest you take your friendship and negativity somewhere else.

  27. Those posters look ace - I'm gutted for you they have been taken.

    But may I make a constructive suggestion? You could turn this into a marketing campaign? The posters look ace (I don't dish out compliments like this often!), keep putting them up and keep a record of how many times they are stolen and then tell the press - spin it as though people are putting them up in their student dorms or whatever - make it positive.

    When they story is published, put your posters back up and also have the newspaper article printed large in the same size as your posters and alternate. Make it into a spectacle, and use it to your advantage.

    Posting about negative stuff doesn't help the business in any way though, it will decrease consumer confidence... xx

  28. To anonymous, the 15.11.2011 22:54 anonymous to be precise. I only have one comment to make, "you're" not "your", you douche.

    Bird's yard behind you all the way!

  29. I've deleted my other comments and put them into one blogpost - it also answers the anonymous poster's question - it's not an official response, but it's my response


  30. These Anonymous posters are getting me worked up. Hope they aren't getting at you. They are showing their ignorance about business, trading, or the economy. I tried to post a reply earlier, but my phone seems to have censored it :-)

    You had an amazing set of banners there which added some colour and life to the area. All the best, and hope you find the culprits, or (better yet) get your banners back.

  31. thank you Jon.. I felt actual sick this morning going back to the blog post.. but I am not going to lower myself or let myself be consumed with their negativity any more. They did look lovely and colourful and that is what our shop is all about! I am having some pretty window boxes built today as I cannot stand the rubbish placed on them every morning. YES I expect at some points that the plants in them will be strewn across the street when I come in but its a risk I will take for the people that look at the shop and see something nice like that rather than water bottles, chewing gum, beer cans, fast food wrappers and the like that we are faced with every morning! Its sad to think that I will have to accept that this is so, but I am preying that it will last much longer than a weekend or so!! Mr or Ms Annon, you (unwittingly) have stirred something up in decent people that will just encourage them even more to get involved in this plight! I hope you are a competitor and I hope that you come forward when we have our media interviews, to put your point across about the acceptibilty of THEFT...


  33. Anonymous-You are only showing your lack of knowledge of the business world. You are extremely lucky if you turn a profit in your first year of trading.

    To the first anonymous poster, I really dont think everyone has got drunk and stole something , maybe you re one of the minority that has created this discussion!

  34. Craig, I run a very successful business actually, if after 1 year of trading I was at such a loss and so desperate I would have seized trading or come up with a new solution. I wouldnt be wasting time and energy trying to find lost posters when I could be doing something much more productive.
    With a company that has had so much press coverage and won so many awards surely after 12 months they shouldnt be in a worse position than when they started?
    Just a thought

  35. Anonymous - if you are so successful and are such a business whizz why hide behind "anonymous" come out from behind there and come up with a positive idea of how to break into the retail world without spending thousands.
    We are attempting to turn a negative into a positive would you rather we sit complain and say the world is full of ******* (add your own whatever here!) we are being pro active about this and getting the publicity the banners would have brought us by highlighting the theft of them.

    Ps - you would have ceased trading not seized

  36. I cant believe you are drawing me in again but why dont you do as I asked and please go away! Where did you get the idea we are at such a loss and so desperate?? Or in a worse place than when we started?? Both are completely untrue.. We are doing great but we know we could do much better if more people knew of us (hence the promo banners). We are disgusted at THEFT, and do not deem it acceptable. We are not wasting time looking for them! We have created a blog about it.. one which people are passing on and we are getting a LOT of interest from.. turning a negative into a positive is what we were doing.. We have already has somebody tweet that they wouldnt have known about the shop without the blog post, so a little more clever with a little more business acqumen than you give us credit for, and if you were so business savvy, you would have seen that, wouldnt you!!!

  37. right, Anonymous, can you please name your business. Maybe , if you are succesful, you could share some tips and offer some advice?

    I have a suspicion you wont, in fact you re probably sat at home in your underpants, with nothing better to do than troll the web.

  38. Well as a crazy Leeds Christian I pray you get so much more blessing than the posters would have got you, and huge blessings and success on all you do!

  39. Sounds like Anonymous is a jealous competitor, I hope Bird's Yard has rung the paper as although its really sad about the posters - they made the wooden barrier look so much nicer! This would make a good story and hopefully generate new customers along with possibly coming up with the lost posters somehow.

  40. Definitely contact the paper, I look forward to dropping in on you all when I'm next up in Leeds.

  41. Well Anonymous, I'm glad you don't think £500 is a lot of money. Must be very nice for you. However I can't see how you would be a business owner because then you would actually understand and be sympathetic.

  42. What are your options regarding the wooden panels? Are you only permitted to attach posters, or can you do something a little more permanent?
    The wooden panels would look lovely with an elaborate stencil spray painted design advertising the shop.
    The outset cost would probably be less, and the only interaction from the public would be to add to the stencil with graffiti.
    Also, the stencil would be more likely to capture the public attention because posters are competing for attention all over Leeds.

  43. melanie K is quite astute.

    while i depsise the negativity or realism of the devils advocacy here as well douchebags on the net.

    i must concede some validity! as a business person you are supposed to think of the best case scenario and worst case scenario.

    those banners being up over xmas is certainly worth more than £500+time and cost ot deisgn/make them and worth more than equivalent expenditure towards Clearchannel outdoor [or whoever operates bus shelter ads around leeds city centre.] and infinitely worth more than leaftlets junk mail campaign who everyone despises.

    worst case is someone stealing them and if you can afford for that to happen( and if it is already covered by your insurance[notworth claiming i know] but good to make decisions like that])

    if you have reported it to police etc.

    i would suggest making an official press release and releasing it to news/wire services too. eventually YEP/metro will pick it up

    also you can double dip this as a great tax deduction asa capital expenditure in advertising [ a non durable signage for advertising] and as a loss arising from employee negligence - time to pin it on an "intern"
    [i am not an accountant though, i did take loyts of advice from wesley snipes]

    might i suggest you target guisely/harrogate/adel/horsforth xmas shoppers and these new fangled youngsters somehow? i hear kids love the internet and mobile phones and music. okay so i don't know what the cool kids like but i know Birds Yard rocks and they not enough people know it exists.

  44. Thank you very much for your comment (most recent anonymous!) This was just the type of positive encouragement we were looking for and your advice will certainly be taken on board. We have already sent out an official press release to the many local publications and hope that this will be picked up by someone.

    Thank you also to Melanie K, some great points and we are currently looking into a more permanent style of advertising on those boards - they need brightening up anyway!

    The important thing to remember is that we are really trying to make something positive out of this, not only for us, but for other independents and also for Kirkgate itself. It is the oldest street in Leeds and needs some attention! We are really grateful for everyone's support, it is so nice to know that people actually do care!

    Thanks, Bird's Yard x

  45. I think the issues that the other anonymouse writers have is the attitude from Birds Yard. Just because your 'creatives' and are independant blah blah you go around like the world owes you! Always begging for free stuff all the time and looking down your nose at people that done 'create' things and are disgusted by people that shop on the highstreet (god forbid!)
    If you were less 'on a mission to prove a point' I think more people would be receptive to you and willing to help
    Your like crusaders trying to take over the world without having the right attitude! You need to get people on side, not get people against you

  46. and yes, I see the type before you Grammatically correct Police start shouting about the spelling error above

  47. wow, someone's grouchy. we're not the only people encouraging people to buy handmade. also, we've never once suggested it's disgusting shopping on the high street - loads of us inside the building do!

    I personally don't think anyone owes me anything, look down my nose at anyone, or 'beg for free stuff' - i've asked people to sponsor us for stuff, does that count?

    anyway, i think you're probably talking to yourself now, but i just wanted to answer your point about us not liking the high street

  48. Anonymous,(the negative one) for someone that doesn't appear to like the ethos of Bird's Yard, you appear to keep a very keen eye on what goes on there, mmm....I wonder why?

  49. I'm really sorry to hear about this, it must be heartbreaking to invest money into marketing and see your campaign ruined. I regularly visit Bird's Yard and think it's a fantastic independent, especially with the addition of the tea room and the posters were indeed the perfect way to draw people down.

    I write The Style Tag - a fashion blog in Leeds, if there is anything I can do to help, I would be more than happy.

